1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as «LA») sets forth the terms of use for the «Telamon Cleaner» computer application (hereinafter referred to as «Application»).
1.2.1. «Application» - software designed for cleaning a user's personal computer of unwanted elements and malicious software, as well as optimizing the personal computer's performance
1.2.2. «User» - an individual utilizing the Application for its intended purpose. By copying the Application, installing it on their personal computer, or using the Application in any way, the User expresses their full and unconditional agreement with all the terms of this LA.
1.3. If you do not accept the terms of this LA in full, or any part thereof, do not copy, download, or use the Application, and cease its use and delete it from your computer if it is installed. Use of the Application under non-compliance, or disagreement with the terms of this LA (in full or in part) is not permitted.
1.4. The User is granted an international non-exclusive (simple) revocable license to use the Application for personal purposes in accordance with the terms of this LA.
2.1. The law of the Republic of Latvia applies to this LA and all relations associated with the use of the Application. Any claims or legal actions arising from this LA or the use of the Application must be filed and reviewed in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Latvia.
2.2. The copyright holder may provide the User with a translation of this LA from English into other languages, however, in case of any discrepancies between the terms of the LA in English and its translation, the English version of the License exclusively holds legal force.
3.1. The User is granted an international non-exclusive (simple) revocable license to use the Application for personal purposes in accordance with the terms of this LA, for which they may (1) copy the installation file of the Application to personal computer(s), (2) install, and (3) launch the Application.
3.2. By this agreement, the User accepts and unconditionally agrees that the Application, in the course of executing tasks determined by the User, may adjust the operating algorithm of web page viewing and web document content software (browsers) pre-installed in the User's personal computer's operating system, as well as browsers from third-party developers installed by the User independently, including, but not limited to, (1) deleting potentially unwanted and malicious software in the form of individual apps and extensions for browsers already installed on the User's personal computer, with the User's knowledge and direct instruction, (2) changing the order and sequence of opening pages when launching browsers, (3) changing the default search service provider of browsers, (4) making changes to the system registry and file system of the User's personal computer without disrupting the operation of the operating system and its primary system functions, (5) making changes to the list of system services, (6) deregistering dynamically linked libraries, (7) deleting and modifying shortcuts and the system menu, (8) making changes to browser settings and extensions in the system, as well as deleting extension files and deregistering extensions in browsers.
3.3. Potentially unwanted and malicious software in the form of individual apps, as well as software extensions for apps and programs already installed on the User's personal computer, are removed by the Application with the possibility of restoration. Removal is conducted by direct instruction and agreement of the User by selecting software in the form of any objects contained in the Applications menu. The functionality of the Application provides the User the ability to prevent the reinstallation of identical potentially unwanted and malicious software in the form of individual apps, as well as software extensions for apps and programs already installed on the User's personal computer by creating files protected from modification and deletion, preventing the reinstallation of malicious software. The Application offers the User the ability to automatically scan and clean the system after rebooting the personal computer. If the corresponding option is selected in the Application menu, scanning and cleaning of the system will occur at every reboot of the User's Personal Computer until the corresponding function of the Application is cancelled by the User in the appropriate section of the Application menu.
4.1. Except for use within the volumes and ways directly provided by this LA or the legislation of the Republic of Latvia, the User is not entitled to modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform other actions with the object code of the Application aimed at extracting the source code of the Application and/or obtaining information about the algorithms used in the Application, create derivative works using the Application, as well as carry out (permit the carrying out of) any other use of the Application.
4.2. The User is not entitled to reproduce, distribute, make the Application available to the public in any form and by any means not directly provided by this LA, including jointly with other applications, as part of application software collections, with the offering of other applications, settings, and other products, regardless of the purposes of such use.
5.1. Any services or functionalities of the Application are provided «as is». The User bears sole responsibility for any possible negative consequences caused by incompatibilities or conflicts of the Application with other software products installed on the same personal computer. No consumer quality guarantees for the Application are provided.
5.2. Despite the functional purpose of the Application as established in section 1.2.1 of this LA, and the specifics of its operation outlined in section 3.3., the Application will not uninstall web page viewing and web document content software (browsers) installed in the operating system of the User's personal computer.
5.3. Any warranties, whether expressed or implied, based on law, custom, common law, usage, or any other basis, including (but not limited to) warranties of non-infringement of third-party rights, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed.
5.4. The User agrees to the collection by the Application developers of information about the system, technical data, and similar information about the devices used, operating systems, software, peripheral devices (including, but not limited to, information about the default browser, browsers in the system, installed extensions for the Chrome browser, bat-shortcuts and shortcuts with parameters, programs in autostart, programs and components available for removal in the corresponding menu of the Control Panel of the User's personal computer, etc.) for the purpose of improving the quality and stability of the Application's operation and developing its new functions and services. This information may only be used as statistical data without personal identification or localization of the User and only for the purposes specified in this section. The storage of this information is encrypted, preventing access by third parties.
5.5. . In case the User has not reached the age of majority, or lacks legal capacity for any other reason, they must inform their legal guardian about it. The use of the Application by incapacitated individuals is permitted only with the full consent of their legal guardians.
5.6. The developers and copyright holders of the Application reserve the right to amend or modify this LA at any time without prior notice.
6.1. The Application may periodically automatically download and install updates aimed at improving the Application, which may take the form of patches, additional modules, or entirely new versions of the Application. The User is hereby informed and agrees to the automatic updating of the Application, including the request, download, and installation of updates for the Application on the User's computer without any additional notifications.
6.2. This LA applies to all enhancements and updates to the Application except in cases where such updates and enhancements are accompanied by their own license agreements..
This software uses the Qt libraries developed by The Qt Company Ltd., which are distributed under the LGPL/GPL license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.en.html#license-text. For more information about Qt and its licensing terms, please visit the Qt website https://www.qt.io/.